On Friday, May 17, 2024, sixty-five scholars were honored during our annual graduating class Distinguished Scholars Banquet. To be considered a distinguished scholar, a graduating senior must possess a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or higher. These students and their guests were treated to an elegant banquet in the Crete-Monee High School cafeteria followed by an awards ceremony in the Milton Payton Auditorium, where each student received a plaque recognizing this accomplishment.
In addition, there was a raffle of 25 gift cards donated by alumnus Maya Hightower and the Witherite Law Group. In his remarks, Principal Holifield addressed the group by stating, “Your academic excellence is a testament to your determination and your willingness to go above and beyond. As you move forward into the next chapter of your lives, we are confident that you will continue to excel and make us proud.”